Twisted Darts League Rules and Regulations

It is important the you familiarize yourself with all the Rules and Regulations below, but while doing so, please keep in mind that main objective of The League is for the enjoyment of it's members. The League encourages flexibility as long as it does not impact other teams. For example, it is perfectly acceptable if both teams agree to change the start time or switch the order of play but it is not acceptable to award all star points outside of the stated rules or use a player who is not currently registered on your team.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions you have.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Twisted Darts League
    2. The Management
    3. Membership
    4. Sponsorship
  2. Fees
    1. Sponsor Fees
  3. Sponsor Responsibilities
    1. Establishment
    2. Food
    3. Fees
  4. Equipment
    1. Darts
    2. Dartboards
    3. Scoring Tablet
    4. Scoreboard
    5. Throw Line
    6. Lighting
  5. Captains Duties
    1. General Responsibilities
    2. Score Sheets
    3. Roster
  6. The Match
    1. General
    2. Start Times
    3. Match Format
    4. Line Up
    5. Throw
    6. Practice
    7. Starting and Finishing
    8. Scorekeeper and Scoring
    9. '01 Specific Rules
    10. Cricket Specific Rules
  7. Postponements
    1. Extreme Weather Conditions
  8. Forfeitures
    1. Game Forfeitures
    2. Match Forfeitures
  9. Protests
    1. Disputes
    2. Protest Procedure
  10. All-Star Points
    1. Rankings
    2. Awards
    3. Award Eligibility
  11. Post Season
    1. Playoff Format
    2. Playoff Match Format
    3. Home Bar Advantage
    4. Player Eligibility
  12. Definitions
  13. Assumption of Liability


Twisted Darts League

The Twisted Dart League is independently operated and not affiliated with any bar, pub or venue.

The Management

The Twisted Dart League is managed by Thomas Berger and Bryan Cabrera.


Membership in the Twisted Darts League is open to all persons, of at least 21 years of age, regardless of skill level. The League retains the right to deny/revoke membership that deems to be not of good character, displays unsportsmanlike conduct, is in violation of Rules and Regulations or acts in a manner detrimental to the overall goals of The League as set forth...


Sponsorship shall be granted to any organized bar, pub or club located in the coverage areas of the conference.

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A nonrefundable Sponsor Fee of $150 per team, per season shall be paid to The Twisted Darts League upon application. All team members must be of at least 21 years of age. There is a maximum of 10 players on a team. The Sponsor is under no other financial obligation to The Twisted Darts League although the sponsor agrees to comply with Section 4 — Equipment.

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  1. Each dart shall not exceed an overall maximum length of 12 in. (30.5 cm)
  2. Each dart shall not weight more than 50 grams
  3. Each dart shall consist of a needle shaped point which shall be fixed to a barrel. At the rear of the barrel shall be an attached flighted stem which may consist of up to a maximum of three separate pieces (namely any combination of; a flight, a flight securing device and a shaft).


  1. All Dartboards must be of the "Bristle type" and are subject to approval from Twisted Darts League personnel.
  2. All dartboards shall be of the 1 - 20 Clock pattern.
  3. The dartboard should be set at the official height (5'8") and distance (7'9-1/4") from the throw line (see image below). Dart Board Setup Diagram

Scoring Tablet

A Tablet capable of running the Dart Connect scoring application is required to score matches. The tablet should be mounted or positioned in such a manor that it is clearly visible in front of the player at the throw line and far enough that the scorer is not a distraction to the shooter or in danger of being hit with an errant dart. The tablet should be large enough that players can clearly read the score. A 10 inch minimum tablet is recommended. Both teams should bring a tablet to the match in case one fails to work. A tablet buyer's guide can be found on the Dart Connect website.


A Dart Scoreboard should be available as a backup to the Scoring Tablet. Games not scored through the Dart Connect Applications will not be eligible for All-Star Points or statistics. The scoreboard should be mounted in such a manor that it is clearly visible in front of the player at the throw line and far enough that the scorer is not a distraction to the shooter or in danger of being hit with an errant dart. The scoreboard should be suitably lit so the score is clearly visible to players from the Throw Line.

Throw Line

A throw line of at least 3 feet wide should be placed with it's front at exactly 7'feet 9-1/4 inches from the face of the board. The throw line should be clearly visible and attached securely to the floor. Alternatively a mat with a throw line printed on it at the proper distance may be used.


All Dartboards used during the match shall be suitably lit with lights affixed in a manner that minimizes shadows and does not impede the flight of the dart whenever feasible.

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Captain's Duties

General Responsibilities

  1. Captains are responsible for becoming familiar with rules and requirements for Twisted Darts League play.
  2. Captains are responsible for assigning a Co-Captain, and making sure he/she has score sheets, materials, etc., to conduct a match in the Captain’s absence.
  3. Captains are responsible for collecting league fees and submitting to the Twisted Darts League
  4. Captains are responsible for the conduct of their team and ensuring that the rules and regulations of The Twisted Darts League and the establishment are followed throughout the season. If there are consistent issues with a team, The Twisted Darts League reserves the right to remove any team from the league without refund.
  5. Captains of the home team are responsible for fairly assigning a capable scorekeeper to each game.

Score Sheets

Score Sheets are available for download here.

Captains are responsible for having the line-up filled in for each set in a timely manner and communicating the line-up to his/her team as well as marking winners and losers of each game.


Captains are responsible for maintaining a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of ten (10) players on their roster at all times. Captain's can manage their rosters through League Management Portal on Dart Connect or submitting to the league. All players are subject to League approval.

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The Match


  1. Good Sportsmanship should prevail throughout the match.
  2. Please respect the establishment in which you are playing. Do not bring in outside food or drink into the establishment. Act according to the establishments policies and respect your bartenders, staff and patrons of the establishment.
  3. Players not currently playing should not distract shooters.
  4. players should understand that some distractions are unavoidable due the nature of the establishment.
  5. The League holds no responsibility for accident or injury on the premises.

Start Times

  1. Unless, agreed on by team Captains, matches will begin at 8:00 p.m. Any match not in progress by 8:15 p.m., will result in the team responsible for the delay forfeiting the first set. Any match not in progress by 8:30 p.m. will result in the team responsible for the delay forfeiting the Match (see Section 8.0 — Forfeitures). There must be a minimum of 3 players from each team to be present to begin and continue the match.
  2. A later start time or makeup date may be scheduled if agreed upon by both captains.

Match Format

Each match consists of fourteen (14) games broken down into five (5) sets totaling nineteen (19) points. Single format matches won, earn one (1) match point and double format matches won, earn two (2) match points. No one player from a roster may play in more than one game in a set. Sets and points are as follows:

Set 1
Two (2) games of 401 (singles) followed by one (1) game of Singles Cricket for a total of three (3) points.
Set 2
Two (2) games of 501 (doubles) for a total of four (4) points.
Set 3
Two (2) games of Singles Cricket followed by one (1) game of Doubles Cricket for a total of four (4) points.
Set 4
Two (2) games of 301 (singles) followed by two (2) games of Singles Cricket for a total of four (4) points.
Set 5
One (1) game of 501 (doubles) followed by one (1) game of Doubles Cricket for a total of four (4) points.

Line up

The lineup for each set of games will be filled out by each captain on their respective Score Sheet. Once completed, they will swap sheets and copy their line up on the opposing teams Score Sheet. If after five (5) minutes a player is not present for their turn, the game is either forfeited or played light, in the case of multi-player games.


  1. A Player shall throw darts from a standing position, excepting only in those circumstances when a physical disability or physical injury requires a Player to adopt a non-standing position (for instance from a wheelchair or similar form of support).
  2. If a player has any portion of his feet over the throw line during a turn, any dart thrown while over the line will not be scored.
  3. A Player wishing to throw a dart from a point on either side of the throw line must keep his feet behind an imaginary straight line, the position of which shall be adjudged by the scorer, extending on either side of the front of the throw line.
  4. The player is allowed a total of two (2) minutes to complete their turn. No darts will be allowed to be thrown after 2 minutes.
  5. If the throwing player touches any dart that is in the dartboard during a turn, that turn will be deemed to have been completed.
  6. A dart bouncing off or falling out of the dartboard does not count and will not be re-thrown.
  7. When possible, opposing players should stand at least two (2) feet behind the player at the throw line.


Players should practice before the match begins and be prepared to play at the start of the match. The home captain should ensure that the pit is available to both teams at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the match. A player is entitled to throw nine practice darts on the game board prior to start of their assigned game. Additional practice darts may be thrown between sets.

Starting and Finishing

  1. A player on the away team always starts the first Game of the Match. The starting player is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the Score Sheet.
  2. The start of the game should be announced by the starting player as Game Darts and acknowledged by the scorer before any game darts are thrown.

Scorekeeper and Scoring

  1. The home team is responsible for providing a scorekeeper. If agreed upon by both captains, a scorer from the away team or qualified person may be substituted.
  2. All scoring should be entered using the Dart Connect Application. If for any reason Dart Connect is not used, players will not receive All-Star Points for that match.
  3. Scorekeepers should familiarize themselves with the Dart Connection Application by reading the Twisted Darts League Dart Connect Help Page..
  4. The scorekeeper shall stand to right or left of the dart board with his/her back to the throw line and remain motionless until all darts have been thrown.
  5. It is highly suggested that the away team assign a Score Checker. The Score Checker should stand in place as not to distract the thrower and is responsible to verify the score and math calculations after each turn.
  6. No one including the thrower or scorer, should touch the darts prior to the scorer having marked the score.
  7. A dart shall only score if the tip of the dart remains in or touches the face of the dartboard within the outer double wire and, having been “called”, is retrieved from the face of the dartboard by the Player throwing that dart.
  8. A dart’s score shall be determined from the side of the wire at which the point of the dart enters or touches the wire segment.
  9. It is the responsibility of the player to verify the score thrown before removing his darts from the board. The score remains as written if one or more darts has been removed (unless it is clear that the turn was scored incorrectly and agreed upon by the scorer and players).
  10. In Doubles/Team events, no player may throw (during a game) until each of his teammates has completed his turn. The FIRST player throwing out of turn will forfeit the turn and the game will continue in it's original order.

'01 Specific Rules

  1. '01 Games begin with either 301, 401 or 501 points and are played to the finish at zero which must be a Double (Double Out). In 301 and 501 matches, players are required to Double In, only after hitting a double will scoring count for that double and subsequent darts. 401 matches are played with a straight in start.
  2. The first Player to reduce the score required to exactly zero by obtaining the required Double is the winner of that leg.
  3. The Bust Rule will apply, if a Player scores more than the number required to finish. The player's score will revert back to the score the Player had prior to the Opponent’s last throw.
  4. A Game Shot is achieved if the darts thrown achieve the required finish and remain in the board until the all the darts are retrieved by the throwing player.
  5. Unless agreed by both Captains, errors in arithmetic, stand as written, unless corrected prior to the beginning of that player’s next turn. In case of Doubles matches, such errors must be rectified prior to the next turn of any partner/player on that team.
  6. No indication of the required double to make the Game Shot shall be given by the Scorer (for example, “You have 32 left ” is allowed but “Double 16 is your out" is not allowed).

Cricket Specific Rules

  1. Cricket is played using the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and both the Inner and Outer Bull.
  2. To own a number, the player/team must score three of that number. The double and triple ring count as two or three, respectively. Ownership can be accomplished with three singles, a single and a double, or a triple. To own or close the bull, the Outer Bull counts as a single, and the Inner Bull counts as a double.
  3. Once a player/team owns a number, they may score points on that number until the opponent scores three of that number. The double and triple count as two or three times the numerical values, respectively. All numerical scores are added to the previous balance. Once both players/teams have scored three of a number, it is closed, and no further scoring can be made on that number by either player/team.
  4. Numbers can be owned or closed in any order desired by the individual player/team. Calling your shot is not required.
  5. It shall be the responsibility of the player to verify his score before removing his darts from the board. The turn scored remains as written if one or more darts has been removed from the board. Corrections in arithmetic must be made before the next player throws.
  6. The player/team that closes all the numbers first and has the highest numerical score, will be declared the winner.
  7. If both sides are tied in points, or have no points, the first player/team to close the specified numbers will be the winner.
  8. If a player/team closes the numbers first, and is behind in points, he/they must continue to score on any number not closed until either the point deficit is made up, or the opponent has closed all the numbers.
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Please try to avoid postponing matches. In the case a postponement is necessary, a make-up game should be scheduled. Once a make-up game is agreed upon, please notify us of the new date. Keeping us involved assures that both teams are responsible and accountable for the new date. In the case that the match is not able to be made up, the forfeit rules (see Section 8 — Forfeitures) will apply to the first team that was unable to attend the original scheduled date. If the second game is forfeited, the team to forfeit the second match, will be given the loss.

Extreme Weather Conditions

In the event where extreme weather conditions should arise, cancellations are decided between the home establishment as well as the Captains from each team. Postponement rules still apply as detailed in Section 7.0 — Postponements.

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Game Forfeitures

  1. A game forfeit shall be declared, if a Captain elects to do so, in lieu of shooting light in a doubles match or if team does not have enough players for a singles game.
  2. A game forfeit shall be declared when team uses a player who is not registered as a member of the team. A loss will be entered on the Score Sheet for the offending team. The opposing team will be awarded the win and earn the appropriate amount of points.
  3. If necessary to qualify for playoff status the following rules apply:
    • Up to three (3) players from the non-forfeit team can be awarded up to 5 Games Played for the forfeited match, remaining players may be awarded up to (4) games (a maximum of 19 games can be awarded).
    • Players from both teams can be awarded one (1) match played.
    • Above only applies to players who were active and registered at the time of the forfeit.
    • The League reserves the right to approve or deny the awarded games as well as award playoff status in extenuating circumstances such as injuries, military service etc.

Match Forfeitures

  1. A match forfeit shall be declared when a team fails to attend a match. A score of five "5" will be entered on the score sheet for the offending team and a score of fourteen "14" and a Win for the opposing team.
  2. A match forfeit shall be declared if a postponed match is not played as required. In this case the offending team is subject to the penalties set forth in Section 7 — Postponements
  3. A match forfeit shall be declared if a player who is not eligible to play or knowingly plays under another player's name. In order to participate in a match, a player must be on the active roster and available in the Dart Connect application. The League should be notified immediately if an edible player is discovered (see Section 9 — Protests). Note: This does not apply to a player who was entered under another player on the roster in error. In this case, the league should be notified so they can make the correction after the match.
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It is expected that any dispute or disagreement should be resolved between the Captains in accordance to the Twisted Darts Rules. The League understands that not all possible disputes can be resolved within the rules provided. If the Captains can not come to a resolution, they should attempt to contact The League using the provided telephone numbers made available to each Captain prior to each season. This number is only to be used by Captains or acting Captains during the match. If there is no answer, the Captains should leave a message or text and The League will respond at it's first opportunity. If The League can not be reached at the time before the conclusion of the match, a formal protest may be filed with The League (see below).

Protest Procedure

The Captain of the protesting team must make the protest know to the Captain of the opposing team at the time of dispute. Before the match continues the protest should be documented on the Score Sheet after which the match should continue. The protesting Captain shall a file a formal protest in writing to The League and include all the known details of the dispute including the rules violated. It is encouraged that both Captains submit their versions of the dispute. The League will review the protests and make a ruling which will be final. Once a ruling has been made both Captains will be notified of the ruling.

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All-Star Points

All-Star-Points will awarded for certain achievements based on data collected on the Dart Connect scoring application.


During the regular season players are ranked separately for both Cricket and '01 games. Cricket will be ranked by Marks per Round (MPR). '01 will be ranked by 3 Dart Average (3DA).


At the end of each season, awards will be given to eligible players (see Eligibility below).

Team Awards

  • League Champion
  • Division Champions

Individual Awards

Cricket Awards
  • Player with the most Marks Per Round (MPR)
  • 6 Corks
  • Round of 9
'01 Awards
  • Player with the highest 3 Dart Average (3DA)
  • Highest In over 95
  • Highest Out over 95
  • Ton 80

Only one award will be provided for MPR, 3DA, Highest In and Highest Out. In the event of a tie, the player with better win% will receive the award. Lowest-Miss Percentage for Cricket and Highest Average Finish for '01 will serve as the a second tie-breaker if needed.
All other awards will be given to all who qualify (maximum 1 award per category).

Award Eligibility

Only players who have played at least 26 games or 6 matches played will eligible for awards.

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Post Season

Playoff Match Format

8 teams will qualify for the Playoffs from each division (see note below). The format is a set bracket that is league-based with the top 8 ranked teams from each division qualifying for the playoffs. Qualifying teams will be ranked based on their league record (1–8). In each round the highest ranked team will host the lowest ranked team, the second ranked team will host the 2nd lowest ranked team and so on.

Note: If a division comprises of 2 sub-divisions, the top 4 teams from each sub-division will qualify for the playoffs. The winners of each sub-division will play each other in the final.

Playoff Match Format

Playoff matches will follow the same format as during the regular season with the exception that the match will end once one team reaches 10 points.

Home Bar Advantage

Home bar advantage will be determined by the team with the better overall league record.

Player Eligibility

Only team members with a minimum of 6 matches or 26 games played will be eligible for playoffs. Exceptions may be made at the loges discretion for extenuating circumstances. Games Played may be awarded to players for forfeited games (see Section 8 — Forfeitures).

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Various terms and phrases are used throughout this document for which their meanings are defined below:

The center of the dartboard, the area is divided into two sections (the single and double bull).
Clear Area
A real of imagined area in the playing area which is free of all distractions i.e. spectators, mirrors, arcade games, juke boxes etc. Only players playing the current leg and scorekeeper are permitted in the clear area. Ideally, the clear area should extend three feet on either side of the center of the Pit and three feet behind the throw line.
The outer ring of the dartboard that counts as 2x the number in that segment scored including the center Bull.
Double In
Hitting the double area of a number to start a game of '01.
Double Out
Hitting the required double area of a number to win a game of '01.
The League
The Twisted Darts League
One game of Darts.
The complete set of dart games comprised of multiple sets.
The Pit
The area where competitive darts is to be played consisting of the dartboard, throw line, scoreboard, lights and clear area.
The person assigned to keep score during a leg.
A grouping of games as listed on the Score Sheet.
Throw Line
A line or toe board marking the minimum throwing distance to the front of the dartboard.
The inner ring of the dartboard that counts as 3x the number in that segment scored.
A Turn or Throw consists of three darts thrown by a player, unless a Leg/Match is completed in a lesser amount.
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Assumption of Liability

The Twisted Darts League does not act in a supervisory capacity with respect to association competitions or events. No representatives will be sent to any matches to ensure that proper safety precautions are taken by members and participants. By participating in matches, members are acknowledging and agreeing that they are fully responsible for the proper supervision of dart tournaments and of any participants, spectators, patrons, bar employees and others present at the bar or location of any league competition or event, and do further indemnify and hold the league, its officers and directors free and harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including attorney fees, court costs, etc.) to any person and property for injuries sustained by any participant, spectator, employee or patron. The league assumes no liability for injuries to person or property, or the conduct of home or visiting team members or other patrons, participants or spectators at any league competition or event. the league assumes no liability for the providing of alcohol consistent with the laws of New York state, including but not limited to the minimum drinking age. All participants in The League are themselves personally responsible to the laws of New York State including but not limited to traveling to and from matches. The participants in the league shall hold the officers, directors and the league itself harmless for any and all liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including attorney fees, court cost, etc.) due to the participants involvement in any criminal or civil violation of the law. the league condemns drinking and driving and does not promote or condone or mandate any participant in The League to drink. Back to TOC